We've got no idea why Sentosa was so super crowded on that Sunday. The whole place was crowded with tourists! So to be Singaporeanly kiasu (translation: afraid of losing out), the first thing that we did when we reached was to purchase the Songs of the Sea musical fountain tickets for the evening.
Before taking the free shuttle bus to Underwater World, we proceeded to the 7-11 to top-up our water supply. Thank God for 7-11, if not there's no way we can get a bottle of drinking water for less than S$2 at such an expensive tourist spot!
When we reached Underwater World, we had to fly our Japanese friend aeroplane (translation: stood up) and let her go in alone because S$22.90 to watch fishes is too much for middle class Singaporeans like us. We knew she was disappointed, but bo bian (translation: no choice) lah...
After she paid for the ticket, she said that the ticket counter girl told her that the ticket is inclusive of a visit to the Dolphin Lagoon, but she won't be able to make it because it was then 5pm and the last entry to the lagoon was 5:30pm. WTH! So she paid extra for nothing? Like that Underwater World damn eat money (translation: cheat money) man! Since the Dolphin Lagoon closed liao, then they should make the Underwater World tickets cheaper after say 5pm right? So all the tourists who visit Underwater World from 5pm to 9pm (when it closes) all kana chop carrot head (translation: made to pay much higher price than the item's actual worth) lor!
From S$0 to S$10, our musical fountain is getting more and more expensive. And since it is S$10 now, they have to show the audience more than just some dancing water pillars, to make their money worthwhile right? So they attempted to make a musical out of the musical fountain! And a Disney-look-and-sound-alike one some more!
All the actors and actresses talked and sang like High School Musical, and if you close your eyes, you would thought that you are in the United States of America! So this is how we are supposed to talk like if the "Speak Good English" campaign becomes successful? Then all the animated characters projected onto the dark sky also played and sang like Finding Nemo. We can't get more Disney than this!
Like I said, since we paid S$10, they had to give us more than just water pillars swinging here and there. So there were also fire explosions (the fire in water display was spectacular though) and laser beams display (abit lame liao). And of course, like any other major performances in Singapore, we have to end it with fireworks!
In Singapore, everything that you buy, the more you buy, the more worth it. That's why we've got buy this got that crap-gift free, buy $50 got $0.50 off, buy 2 big ones get 1 small one free etc. Similarly, it makes more sense to get the Park Hopper 3-in-1, so that's how we ended up at Jurong Bird Park.
My Japanese friend said our bird park very open very good. We let our birds fly here fly there in the aviaries instead of locking them up in cages. Actually a bit like Singaporeans lah, we are also given freedom to express ourselves mah, just that there is this big net on top to make sure we don't really fly out of the aviary lor!
It is fun to walk about in the aviaries when birds just fly across on the top of your head and trying to spot these birds among the trees is challenging too. At the end of the day, sure got sore neck one! But besides the birds high up on the trees, there are also different species of ducks in the pond down below. And some of these ducks can actually swim damn fast man!
Of all the birds in the bird park, I think those lories at the Lory Loft must be the happiest. There is an endless stream of visitors to pay a few dollars for a little cup of liquid food to feed them so they can have breakfast, tea-break, lunch and dinner anytime of the day! I would have thought that eating the same thing every meal a bit sianz (translation: bored) right? But those bird brains like eat until very happy like that leh! Some of those kan cheong spider (translation: nervous) lories even station themselves at the Food Purchase counter and just eat off the cup right after the visitor has paid for it, didn't even wait for the visitor to walk out into the aviary!
Besides the lories, we also went to watch ostriches feeding and African birds feeding at the African Waterfall Aviary. Do you know that ostriches actually eat bananas? With the skins some more! At the African Waterfall Aviary, lagi (translation: even more) more fun, because visitors are given little cups of live worms to feed the birds! And those birds just fly all over our heads at full speed and suddenly just dash onto the cups! Machiam (translation: like) Japanese kamikaze pilots attacking Pearl Harbour like that!
After we left the zoo, we headed over to Bongo Burgers for dinner before visiting the Night Safari. The Night Safari only opens at 7pm anyway. Wah lao (translation: WTH) that Bongo Burgers damn chop carrot (translation: putting a high price tag on cheap stuff in order to earn more from customers) lor! One burger plus fries set costs about $16, but the portion not say very big, some more the meat patty super (translation: extremely) dry and hard! I can get a much better burger at Carl's Jr with this kinda price man! Then the drinks even more ex (translation: expensive)! One glass of lemonade for $5! Damn kill people set fire (translation: attempt to rip off customer)!
To tour the Night Safari is not the same as touring the zoo. This one cannot be on foot one, because there're too many unreachable places. Must be purposely one, so that they can make more money. So no choice, LL (translation: unwilling but not given a choice) must take the $10 tram! But actually the tram okay lah, it's a 45min journey through the whole park, then half way got one stop can stop and jalang jalang (translation: walk around) before taking the next tram to continue the tour. Then the tram really like went up the mountains (small hills) and through the forests (areas of trees), got one part even like went through a small pond of water, damn shiok (translation: very exciting) man!
Every tram comes with a guide who sits with the driver, and every tram also comes with visitors who simply don't understand the meaning of "no flash". on the first tram that we took, the guide had to advise again and again, asking the visitors to turn off their flash. On the second tram that we took, the moment the tram started, the guide said "I repeat, please turn off your flash! It is a disturbance to both the animals and other visitors!" And we thought she sounded kinda impatient. Must be that tram got too many visitors keep using flash at the first half of the journey!
But regardless, we could still see people continuing to use their flash, and then it happened. In the middle of nowhere where there was not an animal in sight, the tram stopped, tram lights switched on, and then the guide walked down and started scolding from the first cabin to the last cabin "Please turn off your flash! Is there anyone here that do not understand English? No flashlight, understand? Okay?". Wow, fierce. But can't blame her also lah, after these people kana from her (translation: received punishment), really nobody used the flash anymore! See lah! Talk nice nice don't listen, must wait for people to scold then happy!
Besides the tram ride, the other activity to do at Night Safari is to watch The Show. Because it is the one and only show in the park, and the Night Safari ticket so ex, so must watch the show right? So all the people in the park wanted to watch the show, and so all the shows were full, and in the end bo bian (translation: no choice) we have to watch the last show which was at 10:30pm! Luckily the show not bad...
This is the first time that I'm taking my Japanese friend to the zoo. Usually overseas friends will ask "where are the sales?" but this time, she asked "where are the animals?"! Cool!
It has been raining these few days, and it even rained on Saturday morning itself! But heng heng (translation: luckily) the rain stopped by afternoon and we were good to go!
The moment we stepped into the zoo, a gal rushed into our path and requested to take pictures of us. Before we've got the time to think through the long string of words she sped through, we were posing happily for her camera. After which, she informed us that we could collect the photos at the exit later. HUH? OOOH! Yah... then we knew. And of course we didn't buy in the end lah, sure kana chop (translation: made to pay a high price for something cheap) one what!
Because we were cheapskate (hey, the admission already damn ex (translation: expensive) lor!), we didn't pay for the tram ride so we had to walk around the whole zoo. But it was damn tiring... especially when we had to rush from feeding shows to performance shows, from the elephants to the polar bears to the sea lion, damn shack (translation: extremely tired) lor!
By the time we panted our way from the elephants to the polar bears, the place was already super packed. But heng heng still got seats in front. When the feeding started, a gal stood by the tank to talk about the polar bears and explained to us how heavy they were, and how their fur is actually transparent and not white etc, which is actually quite a good lesson!
Never knew that "sea elephants" are actually called manatees. And they're really huge and fat lor! Can really see their three-layer-fats! But the little manatee is kawaii though! Anyway they do look like hippo... are they related somehow, like ten twenty thousands years ago? No?
Anyway the manatees are there in the pool just to swim around lah, they're not the ones performing, unless floating around is a talent. That I can do also. So the show started, and that oh-so-familiar James Bond music track played, and ta-da! The sea lion! Yah, just one sea lion. That poor guy have to do all the tricks, all the swimming at fast-and-furious speed and jumping up to catch the ball tricks.
Though this is the first time that I'm watching a sea lion performance in Singapore Zoo, somehow the performance looked so familiar... The James Bond music, the way the sea lion poked its head into the water to check traffic, the sea lion imitating jaws using its fin... Maybe I saw it at Hong Kong's Ocean Park? Or Gold Coast's Sea World? Hmm...
Anyway, thanks to that stupid sea lion's splashing hello's, I had some water to cool me down in the hot sun lor!
These penguins damn good life man! They just swam around a couple of times, ate fishes thrown into their faces, then KLKK (translation: stroll about) along a small area, then when the sea lion finished performance, they balik kampong (translation: go home)! Back to their air-con room!
Seems like these animals have the same life as us man! Some people have to work like shit and still have to listen and do whatever their management say, just for a few fishes. Some people are like Dua Beh Gong (translation: a Chinese God who sits in a temple) like that, everyone know they are super slow in their work but they'll still take their own sweet time floating slowly from one end of the pool to the other. Some people just come into office to show face, KLKK, go tea-break go lunch, then go home on time without doing any real work! Seems like life's as shitty even for the animals!
To all Cloudywind Podcast fans, thanks for listening to my podcast postings all these while. I last checked that for the past 30days there were 1962 downloads and though it's not a large number, all of you matters to me.
Due to some personal reasons, I would need to take a break from the podcasting. It could be just for a week or two, or maybe a month, I'm not sure yet.
I hope you've enjoyed Cloudywind Podcast and hope to see you again when I'm back!
Meanwhile, I will continue to blog so you can be sure I'm not MIA!
Thanks again and I hope you'll miss my podcasts as much as I do!
Plaza Market Café里的摆设是走娘惹路线,连洗手的小盘子也是美美的娘惹瓷盘。可能就是因为太精致了,我们发现隔壁桌一开始就把洗手小瓷盘推到一边,然后当他们赤手吃了虾子后,竟然拿了一个小碗,然后用自己的杯子倒出冰水在小碗中洗手!昏~
Plaza Market Café很摆明重点是娘惹美食,所以自助餐中的娘惹菜还蛮多的。主菜就有Rendang Mutton,Ayam Buah Keluak,otak-otak,laksa,鲁肉和薄饼等。所有的菜都很入味,很好吃,就除了薄饼。那份薄饼真的让我大失所望。饼皮太硬,里面的馅料又淡而无味,实在不行。相比之下,laksa的汤汁够香够浓郁,虽然没有蛤却很好吃!