Tuesday, July 31, 2007

无聊的新加坡式笑话... Boliao Singaporean Jokes #2


Part 1



Part 2


Part 3


Part 4


Part 5


Part 6


Part 7


Part 8


Part 9


Part 10


Part 11


Monday, July 30, 2007

Singapore Scenes ... Cantonese Opera Night

28th July 2007 - Cantonese Opera

28th July 2007 - Cantonese Opera

28th July 2007 - Cantonese Opera

28th July 2007 - Cantonese Opera
“嘿嘿~ 是啊!那你想怎样啦?”

28th July 2007 - Cantonese Opera

28th July 2007 - Cantonese Opera

28th July 2007 - Cantonese Opera

28th July 2007 - Cantonese Opera

28th July 2007 - Cantonese Opera
“啊~ 我老公回来了!”

28th July 2007 - Cantonese Opera

28th July 2007 - Cantonese Opera

28th July 2007 - Cantonese Opera
“公主啊~ 别这样子嘛~”

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Negarakuku... the banned song by Namewee

This is a song about the real Malaysia... about those "hardworking" policemen that loves coffee, about how the "kind" government takes care of the main race of the country, about the "free-and-easy" work attitude of the main race...

Still don't understand why the government wants his head for this song...

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Ping.sg Advertisement 2 - Meet gescheiter Bär


Ping.sg Advertisement - Meet dummer Bär

My part for the Ping.sg advertisement :)


Go give it a try! Create a Ping.sg advertisement to attract more users to your blog!

Your advertisement must meet these criterias:
Size: 600 X 450 pixels
Font: Microsoft Sans Serif, 36, Strong
Font Colour: White
Phrase: Meet XXX. He/She just got Pinged. Have you?

A Ping.sg logo must always be at the top your picture, because... remember? you are helping to advertise Ping.sg! And here is the link to get your logo...ping!

Friday, July 27, 2007

變形香江 Transporters (HK version of Transformers)

This hilarious part 1 will keep you on your toes for part 2! :D Well... of course you need to understand Cantonese!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

当初就应该杀错好过错过! Should have killed them all in the first place!



"Of course, kidnapping is a very successful policy and I order all my mujahideen to kidnap foreigners of any nationality wherever they find them and then we should do the same kind of deal," Dadullah told the broadcaster.


没事浪费钱在牢里养那么多禽兽干嘛?没听过格杀勿论吗?为什么要留下这么多人来搞报复?没听过“满门抄斩,后灭九族”吗?唉~ 当初没罪不等于以后不会犯罪嘛!看吧!现在这些禽兽就来搞绑架杀无辜的人质了吧!当初就应该杀错好过错过啦!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

无聊的新加坡式笑话... Boliao Singaporean Jokes #1








有艘军舰航行在海上。On duty 的CPL 突然发现远方有一点灯光,他立刻报告船长:“Sir,那边有艘船正驶向我们,若再不改航道,就要撞上了!” 船长一听,立即呼叫道:“呼叫呼叫!这是胜利号,请立刻将你们的航道向东移15度!” 对方却回道:“呼叫呼叫!请你们向西移15度!” 船长听了就生气,接着就回道:“我是军舰,你竟敢叫我移?”


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

麻坡的华语 and another unknown song from Namewee

This is another song from Namewee, laughing at the KL Cantonese, Malaysia Malay, and even Singaporeans... yes... this time round the arrow has shot cross the causeway...

This links to the previous song 麻坡的华语

Monday, July 23, 2007

Singapore Scenes ... HDB Heartland

1st July 2007 - HDB space

1st July 2007 - HDB space

1st July 2007 - HDB space

1st July 2007 - HDB space
来啊~ 来啊~ 小朋友,来骑我吧!

1st July 2007 - HDB space

1st July 2007 - HDB space

1st July 2007 - HDB space

1st July 2007 - HDB space

1st July 2007 - HDB space

1st July 2007 - HDB space

Friday, July 20, 2007

Cardboard used to make pork bun in China? Relax...

I guess the whole world got a shock when the news of a food vendor using cardboard to make port bun was revealed in China. And just when our eyes and mouth are still wide opened from this news, something more interesting (but definitely a better news) is discovered...

The Beijing police have detained a television reporter for fabricating that "investigative story" about steamed buns stuffed with cardboard. Yes... those cardboard pork buns are not for real! Phew~

Apparently an employee surnamed Zi had fabricated the report to garner higher audience ratings for the TV program. He actually provided all the cardboard and asked the vendor to soak it. When the police investigated this incident, a city-wide inspection of steamed bun vendors had found no such cases.

Beijing TV had apologized for failing to check the report's authenticity and said it would make efforts to improve staff ethics. Oh well... after they achieved their goal of getting more viewers!

Anyway, this is a copy of how that "investigative story" goes...

Link to the news on Japanese TV

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Mandarin cool... so are Japanese and Korean! #2

Lesson 2 - Greetings

Hanyu Pinyin is used as the basic form of pronounciation here, unless otherwise stated. For those not familiar in Hanyu Pinyin (were you sleeping in your Primary school chinese lessons?), these are some illustrations:

a = a as in art
i = i as in ink
u = oo as in cool
e = a as in air
o = aw as in paw
ao = ou as in ouch
an = un as in until

John: Excuse me... (when asking for attention)
Xiao Ming: 不好意思 (bu hao yi si) OR 打扰一下 (da rao yi xia)
Nakamura: すみません (su mi ma sen)
Yong Su: 안녕하세요 (an nyong ha se yo)

John: I'm sorry.
Xiao Ming: 对不起 (dui bu qi)
Nakamura: ごめなさい (go me na sa-i)
Yong Su: 미안해요 (mi an he yo)

John: Thank you!
Xiao Ming: 谢谢 (xie xie)
Nakamura: ありがとうございます (a li ga to-u go za i ma-su)
Yong Su: 감사합니다 (kam sa ham ni da)

John: Good bye!
Xiao Ming: 再见 (zai jian)
Nakamura: さようなら (sa yo-u na ra)
Yong Su: 안녕히 가세요 (an nyong hi ka se yo) OR 안녕히 계세요 (an nyong hi ke se yo)

Note that in Korean, 안녕히 계세요 is said by person who is leaving, while 안녕히 가세요 is said by person who is staying back. :)

Disclaimer: I'm not a Chinese/Japanese/Korean teacher and I'm only sharing what I know. These lessons are not part of any formal text books and you don't get any certifications from learning them. You will not become an expert from these lessons because I'm not any expert myself. The only thing I can guarantee is that your Chinese/Japanese/Korean friend can finally understand what you're trying to say.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Singapore Scenes... NDP Rehearsal from the other side

7th July 2007 - Watching NDP rehearsal

7th July 2007 - Watching NDP rehearsal

7th July 2007 - Watching NDP rehearsal
嘿~ BB你看!会吐口水的鱼尾狮哦!我们家没有的哦!

7th July 2007 - Watching NDP rehearsal

7th July 2007 - Watching NDP rehearsal

7th July 2007 - Watching NDP rehearsal
啊~ 要降落了!我一定会双脚一起美美的着地,绝对不会有差错的!

7th July 2007 - Watching NDP rehearsal

7th July 2007 - Watching NDP rehearsal

Friday, July 13, 2007

Mandarin cool... so are Japanese and Korean! #1

Lesson 1 - Greetings

Hanyu Pinyin is used as the basic form of pronounciation here, unless otherwise stated. For those not familiar in Hanyu Pinyin (were you sleeping in your Primary school chinese lessons?), these are some illustrations:

a = a as in art
i = i as in ink
u = oo as in cool
e = a as in air
o = aw as in paw
ao = ou as in ouch
an = un as in until

John: Good morning!
Xiao Ming: 早上好 (zao shang hao) OR 早安 (zao an)
Nakamura: おはようございます (o ha yo-u go za i ma-su)
Yong Su: 안녕하세요 (an nyong ha se yo)

John: Good afternoon!
Xiao Ming: 下午好 (xia wu hao) OR 午安 (wu an)
Nakamura: こんにちは (kon ni chi wa)
Yong Su: 안녕하세요 (an nyong ha se yo)

John: Good evening!
Xiao Ming: 晚上好 (wan shang hao)
Nakamura: こんばんは (kon ban wa)
Yong Su: 안녕하세요 (an nyong ha se yo)

John: How are you?
Xiao Ming: 你好吗(ni hao ma)
Nakamura: おげんきですか(o gen ki de-su ka)
Yong Su: 안녕하세요 (an nyong ha se yo)

Noticed something? Korean's 안녕하세요 is really such an all-in-one! :)

Disclaimer: I'm not a Chinese/Japanese/Korean teacher and I'm only sharing what I know. These lessons are not part of any formal text books and you don't get any certifications from learning them. You will not become an expert from these lessons because I'm not any expert myself. The only thing I can guarantee is that your Chinese/Japanese/Korean friend can finally understand what you're trying to say.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Some headline bad news from our "TOP class" transportation

What is worse than 'drink and drive'?... 'drink and drive people around'!
An SBS Transit driver was arrested for drink driving after the bus he was driving crashed into a lamp-post at the junction of Victoria Street and Ophir Road. The whole bus mounted onto the pedestrian curb outside the Raffles Hospital.

The best part of the story... that guy was drunk early in the morning at 9:30am! Luckily even at such working hours, there are only 4 passengers. And even luckier, these 4 passengers are not injured, just scared to death.

So friend, don't complain any more about your bus driver driving too fast/slow. Be thankful that at least he is not drunk!

And we thought that the October 2006 fare increase was to support maintenance cost...
An SMRT bus came to a standstill along Orchard Boulevard as smoke started to come out of its engine. No one was hurt and all passengers were transferred to another bus. The area had to be cordoned off for the Singapore Civil Defence Force officers and the police to conduct checks.

According to SMRT officers, one of the vehicle's tyres may have overheated. This makes me wonder, when was the last time that the vehicle's tyres are checked? Or maybe, when was the last time that the vehicle was serviced?

And btw, do you realise that there are still super old SMRT buses around? Those with the "press both sides and pull up" windows that are now locked closed for the air-con? BUT... pleasssse do not complain this to the SMRT... unless you want ANOTHER fare "adjustment"!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Singapore Scenes... Singapore Zoological Garden

6th July - Singapore Zoological Gardens
很不耐烦地,一边走来走去一边打量游客们的白老虎... 莫非它心里想的是“好多好好吃的肉哦!”

6th July - Singapore Zoological Gardens

6th July - Singapore Zoological Gardens

6th July - Singapore Zoological Gardens

6th July - Singapore Zoological Gardens

6th July - Singapore Zoological Gardens

6th July - Singapore Zoological Gardens

6th July - Singapore Zoological Gardens

6th July - Singapore Zoological Gardens

6th July - Singapore Zoological Gardens

6th July - Singapore Zoological Gardens
一直有个疑问... 为什么小鸟们这么喜欢停在犀牛身上休息呢?

6th July - Singapore Zoological Gardens
为什么这两只企鹅站在一旁看其他的企鹅游泳?可能它们正在想... “不知道水够冷吗?”

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

What you don't know about EZ-Link card

Do you know that:
  • The EZ-Link card has a 5-year warranty upon purchase, so the card will expire in 5 years upon purchase

  • During warranty, the card can be replaced FOC (free-of-charge), but after warranty, will require non-refundable payment of $5 for a replacement card

  • In every top-up, the 5-years expiry is extended, but subjected to a maximum expiry extension of 2 years (5+2yrs). Which means that the card can only be used for a maximum of 7 years, after which it will expire and become invalidated

What you should do:
  • Check your card expiry (use the General Ticketing Machine, note whether card still under warranty or not)

  • If still under 5-year warranty, but expiring soon, better get a new FREE replacement soonest

  • Card can only be replaced when it cannot be read by system - so better use the card without card holder or protective holder, so that it will turn old or unreadable within 5 years, and get a new card FREE

You should know that:
  • The old card has deposit requirement of $3 (i.e. 'dead' cash not utilised)

  • The new card has deposit requirement of $5 (more 'dead' cash)

  • Transport operators has excess millions of dollars from all the EZLink cards deposit. Investment of these millions of dollars can result in even more capital gains in the operators' profit

So... DO NOT pay $5 for a new card every 5-7 years for SMRT and SBS Transit shares to go up every year!!!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Singapore Scenes... Singapore Botanic Gardens

28th Apr 07 - Singapore Botanic Gardens - swan

28th Apr 07 - Singapore Botanic Gardens - family

28th Apr 07 - Singapore Botanic Gardens - pond

28th Apr 07 - Singapore Botanic Gardens

28th Apr 07 - Singapore Botanic Gardens

28th Apr 07 - Singapore Botanic Gardens - flowers