Monday, May 18, 2009

How my $5.90 Subway meal became $8.60!

周末的时候,经过Subway时偶然发现他们有$5.90的特价套餐。哇噻,平时Subway的一个面包就要这个价钱了咧,现在同样的价钱还给多两片饼干(也可以选择薯片的啦,不过我怕肥嘛~)和一杯汽水喔!二话不说,立刻就决定在那边吃午餐!而且既然不管选择任何面包也是$5.90,当然是选择平时最贵的Roasted Beef啦!(穷酸的贪小便宜心魔又出现...)


既然之前已经吃了Roasted Beef,这回我就叫了一份Subway Club。哪知道还钱的时候,服务员竟然跟我收了$8.60!

云里风:Err... why is it $8.60?
服务员:Oh, because it's a meal. You wanted a meal right?
云里风:Yah... but I thought it's $5.90?
服务员:Oh that promotion! We don't have that anymore!
云里风:HUH? But you still have that promotion board there! Then it's a bit misleading right?
服务员:Oh, that $5.90 promotion meal is only for Tuna and Roasted Chicken!

之后我再走近点看,广告版上果然有小小的一行字说明$5.90的特价套餐只限于Tuna和Roasted Chicken的面包!昏~

又证实了好朋友的那句名言:Don't always assume!


L. said...

Did u ask them to change to the Tuna and Chicken one?

Unknown said...

cannot lidat la, ppl alredi done up the sandwich, not very nice leh...