Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Singapore through my N97 - Buildings

Sunset at HDB estate

Citibank next to Conrad

Vanguard and Raffles City
跟其他的高高白白的摩登大楼站在同样的一个天空下,旧的Vanguard Building反而显得更加的充满色彩!

Vanguard building
Vanguard Building上空的云朵像不像一粒一粒的棉花球?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Singapore through my N97 - Sushi and Ramen at Sakae Sushi

听说Wisma Atria里开了一间新的Sakae Sushi分店,食物还不错吃,就跑去试试看。一直以来都很喜欢Sakae Sushi让客人利用电脑自己点菜,自己埋单的这个服务,又快捷又方便。最讨厌在餐厅里一直对侍应生招手却不被理会的那种感觉了。

On the sushi belt

坐下来后,从电脑点了一份比较特别的Salmon Mango Temaki给朋友,而自己就点了一份传统的Unagi Temaki。一口咬下去,很开心紫菜是脆的。曾经吃过软软的紫菜包的Temaki,不止难吃死了,还乱咬不断的!Unagi Temaki里的Unagi酱不会太多太甜,跟饭配合得刚好。Unagi本身也够分量,不会吃完了一小片的鱼肉后剩下一大团饭。听朋友说,她的Salmon Mango Temaki也不错,软软的芒果的果香跟QQ的鲑鱼片的鲜甜配合得天衣无缝。相信这个很热带风味的Temaki在日本应该是吃不到吧?

Salmon mango temaki

接下来我们吃了一些Tekka Maki和California Maki。这两种Maki都很普通,不难吃,但也没有什么意外。觉得California Maki上的蛋有点少,后来发现sushi belt上有比较贵的California Mini Maki,却是整个外层都是蛋的,早知道就要份California Mini Maki好了!

California maki

朋友不想变成饭桶,就建议说不然叫一碗面来吃吧!我们叫了一碗Teriyaki Chicken Ramen,一上桌就被吓了一跳!哇咧!超大碗的咧!还好我们只叫了一碗来share!

A really large bowl of ramen

本来以为这碗拉面应该没什么特别的,因为通常寿司店里卖的拉面都不怎样。可是一往碗里一看,啊!那颗蛋!蛋里的蛋黄是液体状态的咧!我立刻把蛋拿了起来咬了一口,蛋黄立刻流进嘴里,整个嘴里立刻充满了蛋香味!哇噻!有够赞的!(接下来就被朋友打了,因为我把唯一的半粒蛋啃掉了!)再来就是喝一喝汤汁了。汤汁很意外的香浓,很有满足感,却不会太咸。哇~ 是那种会让人不小心把整碗汤喝完的汤汁!主角拉面也不错,QQ的,鸡肉也不错,甜甜的鸡皮还有淡淡的烧烤味。总的来说,这碗拉面绝对是伸拇指的啦!

Teriyaki chicken ramen

Wisma Atria
#03-15/15A 435
Orchard Road S238877
Tel: 6235 1158
Opening Hours:
11:30am - 10:00pm daily

Monday, September 28, 2009

Cloudywind Podcast (Chinese) #28 - It's a F1 Special Podcast

This is a F1 Special Podcast all about this special annual event that is second in popularity and importance to the National Day. This is the time when all participate in the F1 Road Closure and F1 Big Jam, and all put in their money for the F1 Match Bets, F1 Toto and F1 Big Sweep. The totally unrelated F1 Rocks concert is happening as well, where first class superstars all around the world perform in a third class venue.

这是一个特别制作的F1特别Podcast,为了庆祝这个只在国庆日之下的盛大活动。不管愿意或不愿意,大家都会参与这个一年一度的重要活动。大家都可以感受到大规模的F1大封路和F1大塞车,大家都会把钱赌在大规模的F1 Match Bets, F1 Toto和F1 Big Sweep。年轻人还可以买昂贵的票观看跟F1赛车完全没有关系的F1 Rocks演唱会,看第一等的世界巨星如何在第三等的场地表演!

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Singapore through my N97 - ION, the high-end mall

ION刚建好后,问过朋友,门前那粒是什么东东。朋友说是山竹,我说是chiku。后来才发现原来是豆蔻(原来豆蔻在变成豆蔻油之前是长这个样子的!)。经过一番调查(其实只是google了一下),才知道乌节路会叫做乌节路是因为在1840年代,那里路旁都是豆蔻、胡椒和各类果园,所以之后那条路就叫做“Orchard Road”咯!那为什么中文版不是“果园路”,而是“乌节路”咧?因为当时新加坡崇洋?

据说ION里有多达300间店面和餐厅,但当中很多都是超贵的高级名牌店,不是我这种平民可以消费得起的。那里的餐厅也不便宜,就连最便宜的Food Opera食阁和Bread Society面包店也是Food Republic和Bread Talk的升级版!汗~ 不过我倒很喜欢ION里的Directory。因为它是电子目录板,在touchscreen上指指点点后就可以很容易的以分类或楼层找到你要找的商店,又快又好玩!


The gigantic nutmeg outside Ion

The gigantic nutmeg outside Ion

The gigantic nutmeg outside Ion

Looking at CK Tangs from Ion

The luxurious LV shop at Ion

Long red curvy seat outside Ion

Grammy taking picture outside Ion
发现有个阿婆正在用DSLR很专业的在那边拍照,害我这个用手机拍照的有点不好意思了!看阿婆握DSLR的方式就知道她是懂的,don't pray pray ok!

Boy playing with fountain outside Ion

Ion at night

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Field Exposure Tips

  • Neutral-Point Method - Find a medium-toned object in the same light as the subject, frame it in the viewfinder and take a light reading to lock the exposure

  • Constant-Tones Method - If there is no neutral point, twist the len focus to infinity or its closest focal point. This renders the viewfinder image completely blurred out, which usually removes the distracting extremes of color and helps the meter make a better choice for the exposure

  • The F16 Rule - On a sunny day with the sun directly over your shoulder, the exposure will be 1/125 at f16 on ISO 100. Using exposure ratios, this equates to 1/250 at f11, 1/500 at f8 etc. Use this as a starting point and underexpose slightly.

  • The Rouse Method - Set the exposure compensation to -2/3 stop underexposed. Generally the DSLR tends to overexpose, so this ensures you will always have slightly underexposed images in RAW. You can then edit them post-processing.

  • Flash Exposure - To use flash in daylight to brighten the shadows, set flash unit compensation to -2 stops. At night, reduce to -1 stop.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Singapore through my N97 - When B&W is more suitable


Lanterns in Food Republic

这张照片是在food court里拍的,当时我被上面挂着的红灯笼吸引住了,但天花板上的照明灯却又太显眼了。换成黑白照后,照明灯反而跟灯笼“合作”了起来,化成“星星”照耀着food court里用餐的客人们。

Inside Esplanade

蛮喜欢这张在Esplanade里头拍的照片,可是N97的Auto White Balance不是很好(要在保安抓我之前拍到,所以没时间慢慢调white balance啦),我又忘了真正的颜色到底是偏黄还是偏绿。反正颜色版也是单色,不如把它改成黑白版好了!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Cloudywind Podcast (Cantonese) #27 - Which food belongs to who?

Suddenly, one country stands out to label some dishes as their national dishes and is determined to stop all other countries from hijacking. But do these dishes really belong to them? If Hainanese chicken rice does not belong to the Hainan island, then why use the word Hainanese? Is Nasi Lemak theirs or does it actually originated from another country's dish? And who has the proof that they own Chili crab?


PLAY >> Cloudywind Podcast (Cantonese) #27 - Which food belongs to who?

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Singapore through my N97 - Around HDB estates


Old HDB flats at Chinatown


At the ground floor of a HDB flat


Dog with shoes


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Singapore through my N97 - Brown food

Roast chicken with samba sauce

Carrot cake
粗粗的又颜色暗淡的carrot cake加上白白滑滑的奶油,你想来杯咖啡了吗?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Urban photography tips

Just some urban photography tips that I read :)
  • Fountains - To blur the water, use tripod and shutter speeds of between 4sec to 1/15sec

  • Stained glasses - If there's very dark and very light glass in your composition, better bracket half a stop under, half a stop over and one stop over

  • Stage performance - Use slow shutter speed and expose for the ambient light. Any movement by your subject is captured through the blur but the action can be stopped and the subject rendered sharp at the moment the flash is fired. If you don't have spot metering, zoom in and fill the frame with your subject to lock the exposure, then zoom out and recompose.

  • Sports - Allow a minimum shutter speed of 1/250 but ideally 1/500 to freeze the action

  • Museum - To photography without a tripod and flash, place the lens directly on the glass for support. This method will also eliminate unwanted reflections.

The latest spam email from

刚收到一封新鲜滚热辣的垃圾邮件。哇~ 太可怜,太感人,太浪费我的时间了!他们真的以为每个人都是“太傻,太天真”的吗?

Dearest ,

I am writing this mail to you with tears and sorrow from my heart.With due respect trust and humility, i appeal to you to exercise a little patience and read through my letter i feel quite safe dealing with you in this important business having gone through your remarkable profile, honestly i am writing this email to you with pains, tears and sorrow from my heart, i will really like to have a good relationship with you and i have a special reason why i decided to contact you, i decided to contact you due to the urgency of my situation,My name is Miss. joy Kipkalya Kones, 24yrs old female and I hail from Kenya in West Africa. My father was the former Kenyan road Minister. He and Assistant Minister of Home Affairs Lorna Laboso had been on board the Cessna 210, which was headed to Kericho and crashed in a remote area called Kajong'a, in western Kenya. The plane crashed on the Tuesday 10th, June,2008. You can read more about the crash through the below site:

After the burial of my father, my stepmother and uncle conspired and sold my father's property to an italian Expartriate and then shared the money among themselves leaving nothing for me. One faithful morning, I opened my father's briefcase and found out the documents which he have deposited huge amount of money in one bank in Burkina Faso with my name as the next of kin. I travelled to Burkina Faso to withdraw the money for a better life so that I can take care of myself and start a new life, on my arrival, the Bank Director whom I met in person told me that my father's instuction to the bank is that the money would only be release to me when I am married or present a trustee who will help me and invest the money overseas. I am in search of an honest and reliable person who will help me and stand as my trustee so that I will present him to the Bank for transfer of the money to his bank account overseas. I have chosen to contact you after my prayers and I believe that you will not betray my trust. But rather take me as your own sister. Though you may wonder why I am so soon revealing myself to you without knowing you, well I will say that my mind convinced me that you may be the true person to help me. Moreso, I will like to disclose much to you if you can help me to relocate to your country because my stepmother have threaten to assassinate me. The amount is( $5.8 USD )Million United State Dollars, and I have confirmed from the bank in Burkina Faso on my arrival, You will also help me to place the money in a more profitable business venture in your Country. However, you will help by recommending a nice University in your country so that I can complete my studies. It is my intention to compensate you with 20% of the total money for your services and the balance shall be my capital in your establishment. As soon as I receive your positive response showing your interest I will put things into action immediately. In the light of the above, I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and willingness to handle this transaction sincerely. Awaiting your urgent and positive response. Please do keep this only to your self for now untill the bank will transfer the fund. I beg you not to disclose it till i come over because I am afraid of my wicked stepmother who has threatened to kill me and have the money alone ,I thank God Today that am out from my country (KENYA) but now In (Burkina Faso) where my father deposited this money with my name as the next of Kin.I have the documents for the claims.
please reply through my email address below;

Yours Sincerely

Joy Kipkalya Kones.


Ah dear,

Thank you you trust me ar! I read your email already very touch leh, so poor thing! How come your step mother like that one?

Let me tell you har, my name is Ah Beng, and I tell you I decided liao, I going to help you now!

Actually you said if you married also can get the money is it? I tell you, I Ah Beng very handsome one, so if you want to har, I can marry you one, don't need shy! But this kind of thing also must see lah, if you think like that get married too fast, I also can wait lah. So I also can be your trustee first lor.

Ah dear, you no worry ok? I Ah Beng is here. You email me and tell me how you want me help ok?

P.S. got photo or not har? can send me your photo look see?

Your dear,
Lee Xianz Beng


Singapore through my N97 - Lunch at a Hong Kong cafe

East Coast Road有一间香港茶餐厅,朋友介绍过,电视推荐过,听说食物真的很道地很不错吃,不像满街的其他那些挂香港招牌卖乱七八糟食物的假香港茶餐厅。那天下午就决定去那边吃午餐好了。

发现平日在那边吃午餐的人不会太多(呃... 因为不是很多人会大老远的去到海边这么忧哉的吃午餐吧?),而且还有比较划算的set lunch哦!不过很可惜的是锅仔饭并不在set lunch菜单里,本来还很想试一下,看看有没有达到庙街锅仔饭的程度的说!

Hong Kong Char Siew Rice

Fried carrot cake

Mango pudding
芒果布丁就有点普通了,不过如果是吃set lunch的话就可以以$1.50买到,so why not?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The grand Buddha Tooth Relic Temple


在寺里发现有不少访客拍照,寺里的工作人员也没有阻止。虽然我也带了一架DSLR进寺,但我拍来拍去却没有拍到任何佛像。记得当初刚学摄影的时候,在香港的一间古庙里很不客气的拍照,结果被庙里的阿婆赶出去,大骂我不尊重神明!汗~ 自从那次之后我就学乖了,就连去到西藏,我也没拍到任何寺庙里的任何一尊佛像。不过想想也是啦,乱乱在那边用闪光灯闪神明还真的不大尊重咧!

Door God at the main entrance

Stories of the temple

Temple roofs

Rows of prayer seats

Wooden benches on the long corridor

Dragons on an urn

Light through the temple roof

Drain and shadow

Monday, September 14, 2009

Singapore through my N97 - Flats and clouds


Trees and flats

HDB flats

HDB flats

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cloudywind Podcast (Chinese Hip-hop!) #26 - I'm not scared

This issue's podcast is more scary than listening to ghost stories during the Hungry Ghosts Festival. You're about to listen to Cloudywind's first attempt in Chinese Hip-hop! Be scared... be very scared!

Original song by MC HotDog, 我哈你
作曲 MC HotDog,陈复明

我知道你不爱我家 哈
我儿子的话 我媳妇的玩法 哈 so what
没差 你说什么 什么 对不起耳朵有点阻塞
请你让我搞的 糊里糊涂 继续把你骗得 糊里糊涂
就算媳妇投资 输到脱裤 就算儿子华语 根本不酷

你吹啊 我才不会怕 继续complain啊 讲到你挂
你可知道 读过书的精英比较会讲话
就算不会做工 相信他们 好吗
有留言有八卦别鸟他 我的薪水没那么夸张
yo这个位 我们就霸着霸着霸

我不怕你 我才不怕你
就算你选反对我的 我也一样不怕你
我不怕你 不在乎 你选谁 因为我姓李

我知道你不爱ERP 你爱自由
给你一些bonus 你就眼睛发光跟发亮
平时没有事 让你complain
选择的时候记得让我赢光 oh no
我开始得意忘形 了 疯 我要保持形像及优秀
come on 手放在空中 因为听话的你 脑袋空空

你四处去打听 有关於我
你似乎不相信 我说了这麼多
买我的书 报纸不会错
介绍不会错 买了书 读了再说
你敢不敢说 我不好 你敢不敢说 如果说我就sue
有种 就别怕我
只要我说薪水不够 谁敢说太多

我不怕你 我才不怕你
就算你选反对我的 我也一样不怕你
我不怕你 不在乎 你选谁 因为我姓李
一声命令 军队站起

PLAY >> Cloudywind Podcast (Chinese Hip-hop!) #26 - I'm not scared

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Singapore through my N97 - Alley towards Raffles City

Raffles City


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Singapore through my N97 - Ice-cream for a hot day

新加坡实在是太闷热了,所以如果你可以在这里找到个不喜欢吃雪糕的新加坡人的话,你可以去买4D, Toto, Big Sweep了!记得小时候总是在上课的时候就想着canteen里的冰棒!那时候都吃橙汁或葡萄汁制成的便宜冰棒,偶尔吃到里头有一点点vanilla雪糕的柠檬冰棒就超开心了!长大以后,自己会赚钱了,吃的雪糕也变富贵了。

在Bugis Junction里有一间叫MOF的日本餐馆,里头就卖了好多日式甜品。这些日式甜品大多数是绿茶、黑糖和红豆制成的,单是冰绿茶就有好几种!那天上门光顾,叫了一杯超有日本feel的冰绿茶加黑芝麻雪糕,朋友则叫了一杯冰绿茶加绿茶雪糕(有点太过绿茶OD了吧?)。

Iced macha with sesame ice-cream

Iced macha with sesame ice-cream


除了日式雪糕,新加坡也有不少美式雪糕店,就如老字号Swensen's。记得以前最喜欢和朋友一起去Swensen's吃那个超大的Earthquake,吃完之后,撑的咧!近年流行吃Chocolate Fondue,Swensen's的菜单里当然也就增添了有雪糕的Fondue咯~


Chocolate and Ice-cream Fondue

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Singapore through my N97 - Vivocity by the sea


Snowman at Vivocity

A fountain at Vivocity

Sentosa from Vivocity

Walkway outside Vivocity

Walkway outside Vivocity

On Vivocity roof-top

On Vivocity roof-top