Saturday, May 23, 2009

Cloudywind Podcast #11 - What's wrong with our kids' sexual education?

Some parents who claimed to represent the conservatie majority of Singaporeans have complained about AWARE’s Comprehensive Sexuality Education programme, of the ‘moral-neutralization’ of homosexuality and premarital sex. They want their kids to be shielded from these negative stuff and be taught only what is acceptable by the mainstream's standard instead. Like, tell them homosexuals should be stoned, or that if they have premarital sex they'll go blind.


PLAY >> Cloudywind Podcast #11 - What's wrong with our kids' sexual education?

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(T) (H) (B) said...

The problem of sex education is not having a proper one.

Unknown said...

how proper the sex education is will depends on how much is left out lor :P