Thursday, August 2, 2007

Mandarin cool... so are Japanese and Korean! #3

Lesson 3 - At the airport

Hanyu Pinyin is used as the basic form of pronounciation here, unless otherwise stated. For those not familiar in Hanyu Pinyin (were you sleeping in your Primary school chinese lessons?), these are some illustrations:

a = a as in art
i = i as in ink
u = oo as in cool
e = a as in air
o = aw as in paw
ao = ou as in ouch
an = un as in until

John: Where are the luggages?
Xiao Ming: 请问行李在哪里? (qing wen xing li zai na li)
Nakamura: にもつはどちらですか? (ni mo tsu wa do chi ra de-su ka)
Yong Su: 짐 어디 에 있어요? (jim o-di e i so yo)

John: Where is the airport bus?
Xiao Ming: 请问机场巴士在哪里? (qing wen ji chang ba shi zai na li)
Nakamura: くうこうバスはどちらですか? (ku-u ko-u ba su wa do chi ra de-su ka)
Yong Su: 공항 버스 어디 에 있어요? (kong hang po su o di e i so yo)

John: Where is XYZ?
Xiao Ming: 请问XYZ在哪里? (qing wen ... zai na li)
Nakamura: XYZはどちらですか? (... wa do chi ra de-su ka)
Yong Su: XYZ 어디 에 있어요? (... o-di e i so yo)

John: Here
Xiao Ming: 这边 (zhe bian)
Nakamura: こちら (ko chi ra)
Yong Su: 여기 (yo gi)

John: There
Xiao Ming: 那边 (na bian)
Nakamura: そちら (so chi ra)
Yong Su: 저기 (cho gi)

John: Further away there
Xiao Ming: 在远一点那边 (zai yuan yi dian na bian)
Nakamura: あちら (a chi ra)
Yong Su: 거기 (ko gi)

Disclaimer: I'm not a Chinese/Japanese/Korean teacher and I'm only sharing what I know. These lessons are not part of any formal text books and you don't get any certifications from learning them. You will not become an expert from these lessons because I'm not any expert myself. The only thing I can guarantee is that your Chinese/Japanese/Korean friend can finally understand what you're trying to say.

1 comment:

Roys! said...

More lessons please :)