Friday, June 8, 2007

[CW Video] Timeshare.. Scam or Deal?

Recently, timeshare company Grand Seasons International's (GSI) lawyer sent a legal letter to regarding a submission that was published with the heading "Grand Season International - TimeShare Scam Company". GSI felt that the text in the heading are defamatory and their reputation and goodwill has been disparaged and seriously damage. Besides threatening to remove the heading, they are also expecting to provide the identity of the writer. In response, engaged Goodwins Law Corporation to defend them against those allegations of GSI.

Was GSI really wrongly accused? Are these timeshare companies really offering you great deals? Or are they just trying to squeeze the cash out of you? Is it really true that what you hear is what you get? Or is it really just a scam?

1 comment:

J said...

It's funny but it's the fact! Well done.