Friday, August 31, 2007

新加坡故事... A Singapore Story #1


“妈的!我怎么把她杀了?” 阿达慌慌张张地跑出了阿萍的家,然后一直跑一直跑地,不知跑了多久之后,他竟然在路上看到了一群警察!更令他慌张的是,有个警员伸出手拦截了他!

“警察临检!你是在跑步吗?” 警员严肃地问道。
“呃... 是的,我在跑步。” 阿达很努力地保持镇定。
“你身上的Tshirt...” 警员在他身上打量着。阿达起了一身的鸡皮疙瘩。他突然想到,难道他的身上沾上了阿萍的血?

“为什么你穿粉红色的Tshirt? 你是同志吗?” 警员瞪着阿达。


“不是同志... 那你身上有槌子...”
“没有!我身上没有槌子也没有刀子!” 阿达急忙打断了警员的话。
“我是说,你和别的政党的党员一起跑步吗?还是你正要去和他们一起踏脚车?” 警员不耐烦地问道。
“没有!而且我...我...我支持执政党!” 阿达急忙撒了个谎,希望这个警员别再问他问题了。


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Singapore Scenes ... Waterfest 2007

25th August 2007 - Waterfest 2007

25th August 2007 - Waterfest 2007

25th August 2007 - Waterfest 2007

25th August 2007 - Waterfest 2007

25th August 2007 - Waterfest 2007

25th August 2007 - Waterfest 2007

25th August 2007 - Waterfest 2007
“呼~呼~ 我是你老爸~”

25th August 2007 - Waterfest 2007

Monday, August 27, 2007

Mandarin cool... so are Japanese and Korean! #5

Lesson 5 - At the convenient store

Hanyu Pinyin is used as the basic form of pronounciation here, unless otherwise stated. For those not familiar in Hanyu Pinyin (were you sleeping in your Primary school chinese lessons?), these are some illustrations:

a = a as in art
i = i as in ink
u = oo as in cool
e = a as in air
o = aw as in paw
ao = ou as in ouch
an = un as in until

John: Is there telephone card here?
Xiao Ming: 这里有电话卡吗? (zhe li you dian hua ka ma)
Nakamura: ここに テレフォン カヅ ありますか? (ko ko ni te-re-fon ka-du a ri ma-su ka)
Yong Su: 여기 전화카드 있어요? (yo gi chon hu-a ka-du i so yo)

John: Is there XYZ here?
Xiao Ming: 这里有 ... 吗? (zhe li you ... ma)
Nakamura: ここに ... ありますか? (ko ko ni ... a ri ma-su ka)
Yong Su: 여기 ... 있어요? (yo gi ... i so yo)

John: Sorry. There isn't any here.
Xiao Ming: 对不起。 这里没有 (dui bu qi. zhe li mei you)
Nakamura: すみません. ここに ありますせん (su mi ma sen. ko ko ni a ri ma sen)
Yong Su: 미안합니다. 여기 없어요 (mi an ham ni da. yo gi op so yo)

John: Yes. Yes. There is.
Xiao Ming: 是的。 有的 (shi de. you de)
Nakamura: はい. あります (hai. a ri ma-su)
Yong Su: 네. 잇어요 (ne. i so yo)

John: How much?
Xiao Ming: 多少钱? (duo shao qian)
Nakamura: いくらですか? (i ku ra de-su ka)
Yong Su: 얼마예요? (o-r ma ye yo)

Disclaimer: I'm not a Chinese/Japanese/Korean teacher and I'm only sharing what I know. These lessons are not part of any formal text books and you don't get any certifications from learning them. You will not become an expert from these lessons because I'm not any expert myself. The only thing I can guarantee is that your Chinese/Japanese/Korean friends can finally understand what you're trying to say.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Let's celebrate odex's screwup!

Odex had "no right of civil action" against illegal downloaders because it was just a sub-licensee — not the copyright owner or exclusive licensee — for most of the anime titles sold here.

District Judge Earnest Lau — who on Thursday ordered Odex to pay legal costs of more than $7,000 — expressed unease over the hasty manner in which Odex tried to go after some 1,000 PacNet subscribers. In particular, he was unconvinced of the investigation method it used to uncover the IP addresses and pinpoint the alleged wrongdoers.

Enjoy more reading at TODAYonline

And here's some latest anime for celebration of some idiot's wishfull thinking crashed! If you've not watched any anime online, you really don't know what you're missing! :)

Naruto #178

Link to Naruto 178

Bleach #137

Link to Bleach 137

One Piece #320

Link to One Piece 320

Oh... by the way, time to switch OUT of Singnet... :)

Friday, August 24, 2007

Mandarin cool... so are Japanese and Korean! #4

Lesson 4 - At the hotel

Hanyu Pinyin is used as the basic form of pronounciation here, unless otherwise stated. For those not familiar in Hanyu Pinyin (were you sleeping in your Primary school chinese lessons?), these are some illustrations:

a = a as in art
i = i as in ink
u = oo as in cool
e = a as in air
o = aw as in paw
ao = ou as in ouch
an = un as in until

John: Please help me to check in.
Xiao Ming: 请帮我办理入住手续。 (qing bang wo ban li ru zhu shou xu)
Nakamura: チエクイン ください (chi-e-ku-in ku da sai)
Yong Su: 체크인 해 주세요 (che-ku-in he chu se yo)

John: My name is John
Xiao Ming: 我叫做小明 (wo jiao zuo xiao ming)
Nakamura: 私は中村です (wa ta shi wa nakamura de-su)
Yong Su: 저는 영수 예요 (cho nun yong su ye yo)

Hotel staff: Please hold on a while
Hotel staff: 请稍等一下 (qing shao deng yi xia)
Hotel staff: しょしょお待ちください (sh-yo sh-yo o ma chi ku da sai)
Hotel staff: 잠깐만 기다리세요 (cham gan man ki da ri se yo)

Hotel staff: This is the room key
Hotel staff: 这是房间的钥匙 (zhe shi fang jian de yao shi)
Hotel staff: これは部屋のかぎです (ko re wa he ya no ka gi de-su)
Hotel staff: 이거 방외열쇠 예요 (i go pang ui yor sui ye yo)

Disclaimer: I'm not a Chinese/Japanese/Korean teacher and I'm only sharing what I know. These lessons are not part of any formal text books and you don't get any certifications from learning them. You will not become an expert from these lessons because I'm not any expert myself. The only thing I can guarantee is that your Chinese/Japanese/Korean friend can finally understand what you're trying to say.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

天冷就回来... If there're seasons






Tuesday, August 21, 2007

救救林厝港... Help save Lim Chu Kang





Over 80 acres of arable land, originally earmarked for agricultural purposes, has been bulldozed to become a granite stockpile site.

Help save what little countryside that's left. It took local farmers years to create this sustainable countryside in Lim Chu Kang, where nature and nurture happily co-exist. It only took the Govt. agencies 2 months to destroy it.

Help save Singapore's countryside by signing the petition!

Singapore Scenes ... Singapore River

7th July 2007 - Singapore River

7th July 2007 - Singapore River

7th July 2007 - Singapore River

7th July 2007 - Singapore River

7th July 2007 - Singapore River

7th July 2007 - Singapore River

Monday, August 20, 2007

无聊的新加坡式笑话... Boliao Singaporean Jokes #4



Sunday, August 19, 2007

Singapore Scenes ... Raffles Place

7th July 2007 - Raffles Place

7th July 2007 - Raffles Place

7th July 2007 - Raffles Place

7th July 2007 - Raffles Place

7th July 2007 - Raffles Place
晚上的Fullerton Hotel闪耀动人,比起白天的时候华丽多了!

7th July 2007 - Raffles Place
酒店周围的椰树为Fullerton Hotel增添了些热带的感觉

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

What if Singapore were a person?





“嘿嘿~ 在这里怎么说还是读IT的比较吃香吧!哎呀呀~ 你当初又没拿到政府奖学金,你读的那间又不是叫NUS还是NTU的,就别再想着做轻松的政府工啦!可以挤进这间MNC不是更赞吗?好好的在这里拼吧!”


“好耶~ 你到底还是赢得美人归咯!接下来你们还得去HDB申请组屋哦!对了,明年的酒席还是先订吧,不然会没位哦!”


“Bonjour! 你们这一趟欧洲之旅还玩得开心吧?对嘛~ 每天这么辛苦地工作,也应该出出国开心一下嘛!”

“안녕하세요!哇~ 在韩国滑雪很棒吧!数一数你也去过世界上好几个国家玩啰!可是都已经这么多年了,也该停下脚步来生个小孩了吧?听说如果你们这些年轻人再不生多点小孩,政府可能要鼓励聪明的妇女们当未婚妈妈哦!”



“你累吗?钱都花在买房子,养车,供孩子读书了... 日常生活的费用一直在起,你的老板没打算给你加薪吗?我看你好象有点喘不过气来了呀!”



Tuesday, August 7, 2007

无聊的新加坡式笑话... Boliao Singaporean Jokes #3


  • 只是要联络三个朋友,却有九个以上不同的电话号码

  • 只会用msn messenger 来跟坐在你隔壁桌的同事聊天

  • 每天都得花上至少一个钟头等公共交通

  • 和朋友聊天的话题总是以“有没有看到网上最新的...”

  • 公司里的contractors 比full-time staff 还要多,而且他们比较有可能长期做下去

  • 有一些只寄笑话,或好笑的图片和影片,却已经很久没见面和讲话的朋友

  • 星期一到五晚上都想约朋友出去吃饭喝酒,周末和公共假期时却总是想呆在家里睡觉

  • 每三个月就发现刚买不久的高科技产品已经是淘汰品了

  • 每次到food court 吃午餐都很烦恼今天要吃什么

  • 除了那些在网上炒得热的政治话题,你对国家的政治完全没有兴趣

  • 你的顶头上司的学历不一定比你高,搞不好毕业的大学还比你那间差

  • 你上youtube 看电视剧多过从电视上看

  • 看到哪里排长龙的话,你一定会参加一份,譬如说买甜圈圈

  • 在早晨,清洁工人还没开工之前,邮箱周围的地上都会布满传单

  • 你不清楚元朝时百姓们怎么团结起来推翻蒙古人,却知道今年的中秋节得尝尝新口味的月饼

Friday, August 3, 2007

各国的好玩麦当劳广告... Funny MacDonald's Ads

韩国... 和吃薯条的大只佬搭巴士

日本... 为什么进不了电梯

香港... 软硬天师送狗迎猪新年广告

台湾... 王力宏 = 黄绿红?

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Mandarin cool... so are Japanese and Korean! #3

Lesson 3 - At the airport

Hanyu Pinyin is used as the basic form of pronounciation here, unless otherwise stated. For those not familiar in Hanyu Pinyin (were you sleeping in your Primary school chinese lessons?), these are some illustrations:

a = a as in art
i = i as in ink
u = oo as in cool
e = a as in air
o = aw as in paw
ao = ou as in ouch
an = un as in until

John: Where are the luggages?
Xiao Ming: 请问行李在哪里? (qing wen xing li zai na li)
Nakamura: にもつはどちらですか? (ni mo tsu wa do chi ra de-su ka)
Yong Su: 짐 어디 에 있어요? (jim o-di e i so yo)

John: Where is the airport bus?
Xiao Ming: 请问机场巴士在哪里? (qing wen ji chang ba shi zai na li)
Nakamura: くうこうバスはどちらですか? (ku-u ko-u ba su wa do chi ra de-su ka)
Yong Su: 공항 버스 어디 에 있어요? (kong hang po su o di e i so yo)

John: Where is XYZ?
Xiao Ming: 请问XYZ在哪里? (qing wen ... zai na li)
Nakamura: XYZはどちらですか? (... wa do chi ra de-su ka)
Yong Su: XYZ 어디 에 있어요? (... o-di e i so yo)

John: Here
Xiao Ming: 这边 (zhe bian)
Nakamura: こちら (ko chi ra)
Yong Su: 여기 (yo gi)

John: There
Xiao Ming: 那边 (na bian)
Nakamura: そちら (so chi ra)
Yong Su: 저기 (cho gi)

John: Further away there
Xiao Ming: 在远一点那边 (zai yuan yi dian na bian)
Nakamura: あちら (a chi ra)
Yong Su: 거기 (ko gi)

Disclaimer: I'm not a Chinese/Japanese/Korean teacher and I'm only sharing what I know. These lessons are not part of any formal text books and you don't get any certifications from learning them. You will not become an expert from these lessons because I'm not any expert myself. The only thing I can guarantee is that your Chinese/Japanese/Korean friend can finally understand what you're trying to say.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

相间何太急?Why can't Nicholas Lazarus be more tolerant?

最近有个叫Nicholas Lazarus 的家伙在 Young PAP Blog 里写了一篇看似很有道理但其实是妖言惑众的长篇大论。很难想象到了今时今日还存在着这等食古不化的家伙...

"With all this talk about legalizing homosexual acts, I was just pondering what would happen if such acts were indeed legalized.

Imagine men walking hand in hand with other men down Orchard Road, kissing, fondling and making out.

For that matter, imagine all that taking place on the MRT."


"Instead of teachers dealing with boy-girl relationships, teachers would have to deal with boy-boy relationships."


"Then, you might have the homosexuals all over Asia descending upon Singapore to flaunt what they cannot in their own countries."


"Leaving aside my religious views on this matter, I am against any change of law/policy on homosexuals because:

1. They threaten the social fabric of the nation. Their ways represent an alternative for which we should not accept as being mainstream."


"2. They cannot procreate and thus cannot produce offspring for our nation."


"3. They cannot serve as soldiers because instead of serving alongside our men in green, they are more keen to sodomise them."

